There are different types of depression each with its own unique features and symptoms. It is important that you know the type of depression you are suffering from so as not to get confused with the treatment option you are going to be taking. And also, so that you can be sure that whatever treatment option you decide to undertake is the right and effective one for your depressive state. Here described are the most common types of depression you might be suffering from;
Bipolar Disorder: This type of depression involves both manic and depressive episodes. It is characterized by an alternation between emotional extremes of intense hyper activity (mania) and devastating lows (depression). The transition from one mood extreme to the other is gradual whit each manic or depressive episode lasting for at least several weeks. In other words, you might experience symptoms of manic depression when depressed and experience symptoms such as hyperactivity, impulsive behaviour, rapid speech and little or no sleep during mania.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): This type of depression is experienced only in the winter when there is limited sunlight. It is more common in women and younger people. Typical symptoms experienced include; extreme lethargy, low spirits, increased appetite, sleepiness during winter and a craving for carbohydrates. This type of depression can be well managed using light therapy.
Dysthymia: this is a mild, persistent depression more common in women. If you are suffering from dysthymia, you will be typically morose, introverted, over conscientious, and incapable of fun. In addition, you might also show the low energy level, low self esteem, suicidal ideation and disturbances of eating, sleeping, and thinking that are associated with major depression, though the severity might not be as that experienced with major depression. Dysthymia, like other forms of depression can be well treated.
Cyclothymia: This type of depression is also chronic and persistent like dysthymia. For years, you might never go longer than a few months without a phase of moderately manic or depressive behaviour. Because the pattern is mild and persistent as in dysthymia, it becomes a way of life. In manic periods, you might find yourself working long hours without fatigue before lapsing back into a normal or depressed state.
Major Depression: This is a recurring type of disorder with no intervening manic episodes. Persons with major depressive disorder usually regard themselves in a negative way and blame themselves for things that have gone wrong. They also have symptoms such as low sex drive, eating disorders, increase in insomnia and self isolation. Major depression is more common in women and also people who are separated or divorced.
Postpartum Depression: This type of depression is experienced by women after birth. Sometimes it occurs in women after conception up to several months or a year. It is characterised with feelings of sadness, sleep problems, anxiety and even irritability.
If indeed you are suffering from depression, chances are that you are probably suffering from any of the type of depression described here. Whatever the type of depression you might be suffering from, you can find help here.